Showing 1–15 of 18 results

  • All C

    Vitamin C in chewable tablet form: each tablet contains as much vitamin C as 1 orange.

  • Chelated zinc

    Zinc plays an important role in the normal functioning of many vital functions. Zinc contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system and to the protection of cells against oxidative stress. It contributes to the maintenance of normal skin, nails, hair, cognitive function and normal vision and normal fertility and reproduction.
    NeoLife's zinc chelate product is a highly pure and effective source of zinc ...

  • Neolife Achidophilus Plus

    Beneficial gut bacteria improve our overall health, creating a healthy gut flora. Dairy products produced by fermentation of beneficial gut bacteria (yoghurt, cheese, curd) have been consumed around the world for thousands of years. Both science and folklore recognise the positive effects of these products. Acidophilus Plus, produced by NeoLife, contains beneficial bacteria; the modern technology and the concentration of the product (5 billion bacteria) guarantee ...

  • NeoLife Carotenoid Complex™

    The results of many studies suggest a link between optimal health and carotenoids - the yellow, red and green pigments found in certain plants. Fruit and vegetables are the most important source of carotenoids, but the majority of people do not consume even a fraction of the recommended 5-9 servings per day. NeoLife Carotenoid Complexe contains whole-source ingredients and has been developed by researchers at the US Department of Agriculture ...

  • Neolife CoQ10

    Coenzyme Q10 (also known as ubiquinone) is a fat-soluble component found in every cell of every living thing. Coenzyme Q10 is present in all human cells, most concentrated in and around the mitochondria. Because it is fat soluble, coenzyme Q10 is found mainly in the membrane of cells. It is a known fact that the amount of coenzyme Q10 in the body naturally decreases with age: on the one hand, the body's ...

  • NeoLife Cruciferous Plus

    Cruciferous vegetables - broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts - contain specific phytonutrients not found in any other food. These are nutrients that may be missing from our diet. The American Cancer Society recommends one serving of cruciferous vegetables per day, whereas the average consumption is one serving per week. Each Cruciferous Plus tablet guarantees an optimal ...

  • NeoLife Flavonoid Complex

    Flavonoids are water-soluble antioxidants that occur naturally in vegetables, fruits, tea and wine. They are colour pigments, constituents of blue, purple, the brightest shades of green and a wide variety of non-carotenoid yellow, orange and red vegetables and fruits.

  • NeoLife Formula IV

    For good nutrition, vitamins and minerals are necessary but not sufficient. Other nutrients play an equally important role in achieving good shape. This is why this original and unique Formula IV product is more than just a simple multivitamin and mineral supplement. It is the first multi-factor to contain vitamins, minerals, proteins, lipids and sterols at the same time.

    In the 1950s ...

  • NeoLife Magnesium Complex

    Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in the body. It is mainly present in cells and bones and plays an important role in nutrition. Magnesium is an essential mineral, involved in over 700 biochemical reactions. Magnesium contributes to the maintenance of electrolyte balance, proper functioning of the nervous system, normal psychological function, and normal bone and tooth structure. Magnesium plays a ...

  • NeoLife Resp-X

    Developed by the world's top herbalists under the guidance of the NeoLife Scientific Advisory Board. Our botanicals are harvested from ancient farmland, untouched by modern ploughing and farming techniques. Their purity is guaranteed, they are not contaminated by the use of toxic gases, gamma rays or preservatives, so we avoid microbial contamination, the formulation combines modern science with 6000 years of medicinal plant knowledge and traditions from around the world.

  • NeoLife Shake

    Exclusive protein blend in fruit - chocolate - vanilla flavour

    NeoLife Shake is a delicious and conveniently packaged drink powder that not only reduces hunger pangs, but also provides instant vitality for a long time. It is based on the science of cellular nutrition and GR2 Control Technology for everyday nutrition and weight loss.

  • NeoLife SPORT Bio-Tone

    Many people who lead active lifestyles or are trying to get fitter make decisions in their heads. Whether you want to be leaner, more energetic or physically stronger, building muscle effectively, recovering after exercise or after a busy day is all about a well-functioning metabolism. In particular, getting the right amount and quality of sleep helps you to fully recover, which also helps you to prepare for the next active day.

  • NeoLife Tre-En-En

    TRE-EN-EN whole grains help and ensure proper cell nutrition in the form of a unique and exclusive wholefood product extracted from wheat germ, rice bran and soybean seeds.

  • NeoLife Wheat Germ Oil

    Wheat germ oil with vitamin e

    • The most important ingredient is cold-pressed wheat germ oil.
    • Vitamin E - protects against the damaging effects of free radicals
    • can help reduce inflammation in the body
    • may reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer
  • Omega-3 Salmon Oil Plus

    With NeoLife Omega-3 Salmon Oil Plus, you can make up for the omega-3 fatty acid deficiency in your diet and maintain a healthy level. Three capsules of omega-3 provide as many nutrients as a serving of fresh salmon.